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Package 2: Three-Month Accountability Journey

Duration: 3 months


Description: This package offers a comprehensive three-month journey to help you achieve your goals with consistent support and accountability. Through regular coaching sessions and personalized guidance, you'll develop the habits and mindset needed to make lasting changes in your life.


Package includes:

  • Initial goal-setting and strategy session: We'll start with a deep-dive session to define your goals, create a customized action plan, and set clear milestones for the next three months.

  • Weekly 60-minute coaching sessions: We'll meet every week for focused coaching sessions to review progress, overcome obstacles, and adjust your strategy as needed.

  • Unlimited email and text support: You'll have ongoing support and encouragement between sessions to keep you motivated and on track.

  • Accountability tracking and progress reviews: We'll track your progress toward your goals and regularly review your achievements to ensure you're staying aligned with your objectives.

  • Tailored resources and recommendations: I'll provide you with personalized resources, tools, and recommendations to support your growth and development throughout the program.

  • Motivation: I will be there to support you throughout our time together in whichever ways work best for you

  • Monthly Check-in: we will review your current progress, analytics, and goals to check for alignment. We will then work together to make the required adjustments. 

  • Access the Metamorphosis 2-Week Transformation Program: as long as we are working together you will have access to our two-month transformation program that focuses on healing your body, mind, and soul through sustainable, health habits



Investment: $400 per month ($1200 total for three months)

Accountability Package #2 - 3 Month

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